Vistech Training Services are fully accredited to deliver training from their state-of-the-art training centre located at their Head Office in central Middlesbrough. Training courses include licence linked courses; Door Supervisor, CCTV Operator, NASDU Security Dog Handler, Close Protection, Security Guard, conflict management, first aid, fire safety and health & safety.
Door Supervisor Training
CCTV Operative Training
SIA Upskilling Training
SIA Security Officer Training
First Aid Training
Online SIA Training
Our team of highly motivated tutors and trainers design and deliver occupationally relevant programmes to meet both the needs of the learner and employer. We deliver security training on a regular basis and booking on one of our courses can be done by calling 08006123280 (24 hour) or emailing
For welfare to work agencies, social housing providers, community benefit companies, colleges, schools, universities and other not-for-profit companies we offer works experience, interviews and discounted training. Call us or email to find out more.
Vistech Services deliver effective safety training and robust health and safety courses. With Head Offices in Middlesbrough, Cleveland, our reputable centre has provided training and examinations that result in HABC accredited qualifications for several years now. As a leading provider of training services, we deliver health and safety, first aid, fire safety, and food safety training to hundreds of people across the country not just the North East.
Vistech Services is a member of several professional organisations. This includes the North East Chamber of Commerce, CHAS, Highfield and NOCN.
Any questions regarding our courses, for further information or to book call 08006123280 (24-hour) or email