Vistech Supports Security Minds Matter Project

The Security Minds Matter project aims to make a positive difference to Mental Health and Wellbeing in the security sector. Independent, but supported by the SIA (Security Industry Authority), they aim to keep awareness of mental ill health high and reduce stigma.

Vistech are committed to supporting our employees and those working within the security industry across the UK. Check calls are standard practise for our security officers through our industry leading app technology and 24-hour control room, these routine checks are particularly important for lone workers and officers on high-risk sites to have the reassurance of an expert team behind them. We’ve found this has a hugely positive impact on stress levels and overall mental health of our employees.

Vistech Training have also launched a new training programme for 2023, delivering the Level 2 Award, Introduction to First Aid for Mental Health training. The role of a first aider for mental health is to provide basic mental health support or to be the first response to someone in need, usually in the workplace. For more information visit >

If you require support, there are many organisations and charities that can support you including the following:

National Health Service
Every Mind Matters – advice from the NHS
NHS – Get support from a mental health charity

Samaritans Call 116 123 (UK) Every 10 seconds, Samaritans responds to a call for help.

Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.